Leadership Training for Managers – Preview Meeting
“It was absolutely the best money we have ever spent. The return compared to the value gained far outweighed the investment. In the first forty weeks this year, we surpassed our total revenue from last year. We are experiencing the greatest profits in our history as a result of the principles and teamwork developed.”
Vice President- Contract Carrier Company
Guess what? You are in charge and all the rules have changed. The old command and control model is dead. You don’t tell employees what to do anymore. Instead, you influence their choices about what they want to do and then you assist them to reach their goals.
Register for the first session of Dale Carnegie Training’s Leadership Training for Managers Course. It will show you how to stop managing and start leading so that you can become a vital part of your organization’s future.
By combining the leadership of people with the management of process, you can create five drivers that will push you and your organization to new levels of success. Take the most important step you’ll ever take toward career success. Move into the new business paradigm.
If you would like to learn more about the Dale Carnegie Training approach to leadership, please register today for the first session of our Leadership Training for Managers Course…FREE.
Who Should Attend?
The first session of Leadership Training for Managers Course will benefit anyone who interacts with internal or external customers, project team leaders, employees who serve on teams and managers who want to achieve outstanding results.