The Dale Carnegie Difference
Why Dale Carnegie Training and Coaching?
Dale Carnegie is a world-renowned organization using time-tested methods that will work and stick for you.
If you want to behave in a different way to achieve specific results,or, increase your performance now, you should inquire into taking a Dale Carnegie program.
“I can’t tell you how much it helps me everyday, The one who doesn’t criticize, condemn or complain, the one who is hearty in his approbation and lavish in his praise easily stands out, gets the support of others and has no competition.”
Anuj Anand – Sr. Consultant, Skura Corporation
Players in business want better results, not just information. They want to see their actions, habits and skills improved.
All of us realize that knowing something and doing it are two different things. The academic model of knowledge dumping, lectures and the occasional case study and role-play won’t take you too far in the long run. Most academic courses aren’t on behalf of real business/life strategies and plans.
Our Coaches Make the Difference.
Our Coaches take up to 2 years to become certified to deliver our Programs. It takes this long because being competent at engaging and coaching others to improve their performance immediately within our systems takes time. Every aspect of what we put our participants and clients through is ISO certified and has been tested all over the world.
In other words, no Instructor/Coach will be in front of our clients just because they have a business background or took a weekend or online coaching program. Every year, our Coaches are re-certified and their skills tested and methods updated.