Time to Press the Reset Button
by admin
Time to Press the Reset Button
Christmas is the time to appreciate family, friends, our team and, for many, to celebrate our spirituality. It can be a time to laugh have fun and celebrate the power of giving. It can magically cause us to think of what is important.
News Year’s can be the time to take advantage of that important reflection, and time to press the reset button to create the meaningful life we want. At least once a year at New Years, many people determine what it is they want, how they want to improve and set some goals. Maybe it’s to be healthier and lose ten pounds by working out more and eating better. We all know that traditional goal setting can work, but too many times, no matter how strong our intentions, distractions, barriers, competing interests and demands of life and work take over, our goals give into mindless habits from the past. As a result, we advance a bit and then regress. We’re left with hoping or dreaming and intending to get around to our improvement plan again.
Businesses and organizations experience the same. Well there’s always the next business planning meeting or next year’s goals. There has to be a better way and there is!
You can create the life, career or business you want. Sustainable progress towards what you want is a possibility.
My old cowboy buddy from Oklahoma, Eddie Snow, used to say, “If you’re lazy, stupid and unmotivated, life is real hard.” Well, I can’t imagine you’re any of those things and all you need is the right action. And when you press that reset button, I suggest you do it a little differently, with a process that our group has been studying and practicing for years.
Every year, our senior partner team conducts a complimentary two-hour workshop, “Goal Setting Mastery“, where not only do you learn about a new way to create the life, career and business you want, but, in a typical Carnegie way, you experience it.
This workshop is our gift to you. There’s a gigantic difference between hearing how to do something and actually doing it under the supportive guidance of a competent, experienced coach. You walk out with a successfully completed design that’s based on the most advanced creation principles there are. Hundreds of people have experienced this workshop every January.
Everything good has a price as you know, and the cost to you is the time and ‘fire in the belly’ motivation to get there. We’re conducting this workshop in six locations across Ontario, so you can decide which works best for you (some are sold out already!).
Whether you’re working on your business, career or all the elements of your life, I suggest you block the time now and reserve your chair. (Sorry, the Mississauga & Toronto locations are sold out.)
Yes… you’ve got to want it enough to follow the design with the actions you planned. Some won’t, but having clarity of what you want and knowing what you have to do can be the trigger you need to have a great 2016 and beyond. If you design things right, they usually work – and last, and ongoing execution becomes easier.
This will be my eighth year communicating to business people across Canada every week. I originally started the Monday Morning Mentor because, since 2008, the world had changed so much and I thought we all needed help and support. Our firm will continue to bring you insights from research, inspiration and advice on how to achieve the growth in your business, career and life you want.
Have a happy and successful 2016!
Kevin D. Crone
Dale Carnegie Business Group
(905) 826-7300