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The 3 + 3 of Experience Innovation

by Kevin Robert Crone

December 2, 2015
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Dear Talent Developer and People Strategist,

We are excited to share with you our latest research project that we conducted over the past 6 months. We believe the trends and insights will help shape your thinking and priorities as it relates to the growth of your business, increasing the capacity of your talented workforce and culture.

Dale Carnegie Training conducted 60 in-depth interviews, and surveyed more than 500 business leaders from 12 countries. The research focused on deepening our understanding of the challenges facing companies across industries, and the strategies they used to confront those challenges.

The findings of this report point to the key discoveries about the importance of innovation, and the ways to improve the internalization of innovation. You’ll see the six trends that were identified most by companies as the strategies being used to address their critical challenges.

The 3 + 3 of Experience Innovation: Transcending Corporate Challenges and Achieving Success,” points to the key discoveries about the importance of innovation. Let this be your guide to developing your organizations 2016 External Market, and Internal Workplace Strategies to deliver on your success objectives.

As research and trending is helpful it is also an ongoing process. With that in mind, we welcome your feedback, insights and what you see is impacting your business, and what you are focused on to succeed. In return, we would gladly share what is working today in this market to tackle these challenges and create sustainable growth.

Enjoy the paper and looking forward to connecting with you soon.

Best Success!

Kevin R. Crone, President
Dale Carnegie Business Group
Contact me at 905-826-7300 x 328 or krcrone@dalecarnegie.ca


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