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Leadership Evolution

by Paul Kearley

February 6, 2014
leadership evolution

You are in charge of a team of people. We need your guidance. You want our commitment.

What we don’t want is to feel like we don’t make a difference or are unimportant, or that we are just a pawn in your own personal career chess game.

We want to feel like we belong to something that matters.

We crave knowing how we’re doing.

We want to feel proud of the company we have chosen to work for.

We want to believe in the people who pilot the ship.

We will go further for, and do more for the leader who finds ways for us to believe in ourselves.

We want you to succeed, because then we feel confident that you will help us to succeed.

If you create a place that we can feel good about, build relationships that support and encourage us and teach us how to be successful, we will follow you right to the end.

~ Paul Kearley
Managing Partner, Dale Carnegie Business Group – Maritimes Division
(506) 432-6500 / pkearley@dalecarnegie.ca

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