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How to Create a Merry Christmas

by Kevin D. Crone

December 23, 2013

Christmas is a magical time. And that Christmas spirit is just what we need in these challenging economic times. Too often we remain at a distance from that important magic but, when we do connect with it, we find we are can focus on what’s really important… treating family, friends, employees, and team members well, and making them happy.

The Big Secret of Dealing with People

“The desire to be important and appreciated is the deepest urge in human nature,” Dale Carnegie said. William James called that wish a “craving.”

If you want to energize your team to adapt to what is required in 2013, or if you’d like to see others feel good about themselves and be able to envision greater opportunities, then give them sincere appreciation, especially at Christmas. Write a genuine message of appreciation in their cards. Speak about them at your Christmas party, and watch them glow! Your words can make a big difference. And, of course, give appreciation to your children, spouse, father, mother, in-laws, and friends. Watch what happens to you and to them as a result. Sure, there are a probably few things they aren’t good at, or there are improvements they could make, and perhaps a couple of things you don’t like, but it’s that way for you too.

A show of appreciation arouses enthusiasm in anyone. Try this: call a customer, just to tell them sincerely how much you value their business – and add what it is that you like about them. The point is … Do something memorable!

The second most memorable action I’d like to suggest is that you genuinely listen to others. Hear them, try to understand who they are and what’s important to them. Don’t interrupt to tell people about something you did or something else about yourself. Just listen. Again, watch what happens. People aren’t used to others listening to them. That alone would be a great gift.

MMM Insight:

Who will you be at Christmas?

MMM Action:

Create the spirit of Christmas. Tell at least three employees, friends, or family members what you appreciate about them, why you say it,  and give them an example. You’ll be creating a merry Christmas for yourself and others you care about. Better yet, make this your secret of success in 2014. Continually provide sincere appreciation to your customers and employees.

Genuinely listen to better understand them, and do not interrupt – except to ask questions.

I hope you create a wonderful time with your family, friends, and loved ones over the holidays.

Make time to relax, recharge, and laugh a lot. I’m looking forward to speaking with you in the New Year about kicking off a great 2014 by managing the challenges of building your business, your team, and yourself.

Merry Christmas and Happy 2014!

Have a wonderful holiday and a great week.

Kevin D. Crone
Dale Carnegie Business Group
(905) 826-7300 / 1-800-361-2032

A Special Invitation from Kevin D. Crone, Canada’s Monday Morning Mentor…

Hang with me, and our senior partner, Bill Buslepp, for two hours at our New Year’s Kick-Off small-group dialogue. Our subject will be Igniting enthusiasm within your team by adding an innovation process.

We will discuss creating and implementing new ideas into your business to help it grow.
1.    How to Innovate and create new wealth
2.    How to build a system that ignites your people to create efficiencies, customer focus and a new way of business
Igniting Innovation and Team Enthusiasm
Tuesday, January 7th
8:00 – 10:00 a.m.
Dale Carnegie Center of Excellence
2121 Argentia Road, Suite 103
Mississauga, Ontario
Complimentary to attend

Who Should Attend:
Business Owners, Executives, Senior Managers and Human Resource Professionals interested in learning about current trends and talent management.

What if…
•    Your offering, people and your systems were aligned to produce more customers?
•    Your team was organized, energized and connected to a clear, compelling vision and plan that assured your sustainability?

As a result of so many requests for help in implementing the above, we have created a one-time only, inexpensive system to help you and your team get this done within four months.

For those who want more “how to” information, and want help in implementing ways to wake up your business: a brand new, one-time offer from Kevin. Inquire here. Contact Kevin directly for more details: kdcrone@dalecarnegie.ca or call: 905-826-7300.

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