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Accelerated Talent Development #2: How Critical is Your Employer Brand?

by admin

March 30, 2014

The short answer is: employer branding could be a key factor in building your company culture and achieving great employee engagement. Companies with highly engaged employees increase performance by an estimated 202% and create greater loyalty with their customers. This results in 19% higher shareholder return. True employee branding goes beyond marketing and really lives in the culture and actions of the company.


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At the 2014 Employer Brand Summit, the Blu Ivy Group assembled a world class team from the likes of Adidas, RBC, Coca Cola, Great Places to Work, and LinkedIn to delve into this question and share insights and strategies for a full day of discussion.

Mark Stevenson, Manager Canadian Relationship Management Team, LinkedIn Canada, summed it up when he said; “Your talent brand (LinkedIn’s evolution of Employer Brand) is your identity, your quality promise to your people and a helpful short cut to making important decisions like: who should you hire and will they help you live your brand promise”.

Employer branding is as critical as your consumer brand. It guides a company and forces everyone to question whether they are really delivering what our customers need most and whether we are really delivering on our promise. It literally creates a culture of service and accountability.

It is a great question – Do we really deliver on our promises to both our customers and our employees? Without acting on this question, we will be in the 71% of companies that don’t have fully engaged teams and therefore don’t have passionate creative employees that want to learn, contribute, and grow.

What do employees really want? According to Stacy Parker, Managing Director of Blu Ivy Group and confirmed by our own employee engagement research. It’s to be truly valued. Employees want know and understand that what they do matters in the big scheme of things and that their own best interests are part of the equation.

For employer branding to be the cornerstone and engine for a company’s culture and performance, it must be more than words. It must be reflected in every day actions and reflect the true mission and values of the company at all levels both internally and externally with future employees, stakeholders, and customers.

With the growth of peer influence and social networks in the decision process, the strongest voice of a company’s brand is its front line employees, as they create products, provide services, and interact with customers. They, more and more, are your brand delivery. For this reason the integration of the employer branding into the general structure of a company’s image is vital.

How do you most effectively build your Employer Brand? It starts with…
  1. Have senior leadership lead the charge and be the champion of this strategy.
  2. Involve all levels in shaping the brand truths and delivering it authentically. Ask them “what are our strengths and weaknesses, where are we true to our brand and where are we faltering?”

Branding and now the emerging concept of Employer Branding is most often the greatest asset you have. It is your reason for being and what you stand for. Think – Starbucks, LinkedIn, Apple, Google, Kleenex and Coke.

It defines what you and everyone in your company stand for and it’s likely the most important lever to increased profit.


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What do you stand for? What is your brand promise to your customers and your people?

Best Success!
Kevin R. Crone
President Dale Carnegie Training –Ontario
Founder – Accelerating Talent Development, Performance & Profits

Contact me at 905-826-7300 or krcrone@dalecarnegie.ca


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