Category Archives: Accelerated Talent Development
Accelerated Talent Development #12: Four Key Strategies for a High Performance Business Culture
0 comentsCulture as a competitive advantage pays bigger dividends today than ever before. In today’s highly competitive global environment companies need a strong set of values and purpose in order to survive and prosper. A strong heart and soul are essential to build the necessary strength and persistence to dig deeper for better ways to serve at greater and greater efficiency. To be a star ...
Reading MoreAccelerated Talent Development #11: Can we lead the world in creativity?
0 comentsAre Canadians Creative Enough? A thousand Canadian companies are literally working together side by side, generating ideas, experimenting, building on each other’s results and learning together. The result is they are taking big important ideas and innovating at a furious pace, proving they can make real differences in peoples lives and at the same time be profitable. This is no small ...
Reading MoreAccelerated Talent Development #10: A Passion to be Different – By Design
0 comentsA Passion to be Different – By Design Ellis Don is consistently and amazingly successful. They are different from most companies by design and refine this difference every day. They have annual revenue in excess of $3 billion with over $11 billion in projects under construction in more than 15 countries including Dubai, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Chile. They are also ranked as #2 ...
Reading MoreAccelerated Talent Development #9: How to Create a Team Passionate to Learn and Serve
0 comentsHow to Create a Team Passionate to Learn and Serve Over the last six months I have been awed and humbled at the quality of insight and wisdom Canada’s Top Talent Developers are willing to share. They practice the art of helping others to greatness every day. They remind me that by inspiring, focusing and teaching others they are modelling the culture that will most benefit their organizations ...
Reading MoreAccelerated Talent Development #8: Do you love your leadership style?
0 comentsDo You Love Your Leadership Style? Do you really love your motivation, engagement and leadership style? Do you know where you are going and how you are perceived? We are all leaders whether it is in business, our community, or our family. Our effectiveness as a leader affects everyone we love or need and everything we do. We spend decades in school developing skills and knowledge but how much of ...
Reading MoreAccelerated Talent Development #7: Why Body Language Matters to Your Customers
0 comentsWhy Body Language Matters to Your Customers I learned a valuable lesson this week – just how important body language is to both you and your customers by a simple demonstration by Gary Collins the President of 4 Growth. I am positive you and your sales team will want to see it with your own eyes. Gary is a master sales executive and change management expert that helps companies at ...
Reading MoreAccelerated Talent Development #6: The number one insight to more effective leadership
0 comentsWhat is the Number One Insight to More Effective Leadership? As a lifelong student of Dale Carnegie I have been truly blessed with the number of opportunities I have been given to learn the truths of great leadership. Like any great craftsman I never stop learning. Each week I am with more than two dozen leaders who are facing a variety of leadership challenges and are intently focused on; ...
Reading MoreAccelerated Talent Development #5: Three Ways to Boost Your Employer Branding
0 comentsWhat the Best Employers Know to be True In the thirty years I have been studying what best motivates and engages employees it has never been clearer what it takes, and the tremendous payout it provides. It’s not just my insight; In my discussions with Canada’s top 40 talent developer’s it’s becoming clearer and clearer that command and control strategies do not work anymore, ...
Reading MoreAccelerated Talent Development #4: What can a bunch of bikers really do?
0 comentsWhat I Learned from Harley Davidson Things are not always as you imagine them. In searching for Canada’s leading talent developers, Harley Davidson would not necessarily automatically come to mind but then you don’t know Mike Harwood. In fact some would automatically assume they were a bunch of rough around the edges ex-bikers. They would be right but they would also be very wrong. Many ...
Reading MoreAccelerated Talent Development #3: Ignite Their Passion
0 comentsIgnite their Passion – Then you really have Something! What do we want most in our careers? – To contribute, grow and prosper (and a little recognition wouldn’t hurt either). What do companies want most in their employees? – To be fully and eagerly engaged, to be awake to opportunities and customer needs, and to discover ways to grow and fulfill these needs more seamlessly and ...
Reading MoreAccelerated Talent Development #2: How Critical is Your Employer Brand?
0 comentsThe short answer is: employer branding could be a key factor in building your company culture and achieving great employee engagement. Companies with highly engaged employees increase performance by an estimated 202% and create greater loyalty with their customers. This results in 19% higher shareholder return. True employee branding goes beyond marketing and really lives in the culture and ...
Reading MoreAccelerated Talent Development Newsletter
0 comentsAchieving Rapid Growth in a Stalled Economy Today organizations and leaders are facing unprecedented business complexity combined with thinly stretched resources and hyper-competitive environments. More than ever we need to do the impossible even as our teams at all levels are “fatigued”, under resourced, and suffering from staggeringly low employee engagement levels. The Bottom Line ...
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