Category Archives: Accelerated Talent Development
8 Ways to Create an Empowered Workforce
0 comentsLast week, my wife and I were on a family vacation in Nova Scotia. One night at the campfire with my brother, his wife, my parents, my wife and myself, we all got into an interesting conversation about our jobs. The conversation morphed into a discussion about what we each liked and disliked about our jobs and the companies we work for. Where we ended up was in a deep discussion on a topic that ...
Reading MoreWhat Leaders Told Us… What Drives Employee Engagement
0 comentsOver three Tuesdays in June, we had 12 Leaders from various companies throughout the GTA attend our Leadership Training for Managers course in Mississauga. During day #2 of the course, we conducted focus groups on a current hot HR topic – “Employee Engagement”. While the responses we got may not be surprising, the question that we challenged these Leaders with, and now ...
Reading MoreWhat is Your Legacy? The Importance of Finding a Work/Life Blend
0 comentsA few months ago I was to meet with a new colleague. It was odd that he didn’t show up as it was booked only hours earlier. It was only later I found out that this colleague passed away unexpectedly while rowing with his friends. Days before that, while traveling with a client, I learned of his relative who woke up a couple of weeks before, paralyzed from the waist down. Diagnosis is cancer ...
Reading MoreEmotional Intelligence – The Missing Link to Employee Engagement
0 comentsIn talking with several Leaders recently on the topic of Employee Engagement, I’ve heard a consistent story. Their companies are working hard at engaging their employees, yet they’re not seeing the desired results. They’re paying attention to what their employees are telling them, addressing issues that have been raised through formal or informal engagement surveys but as much ...
Reading MoreThere is more to Life than a Pay Cheque
0 comentsIt’s surprising to me that most companies do not genuinely put happiness or relationships as a key strategy in their business plan. Engaged and happy employees outperform their competition up to 202%. Travis Dutka, Chief Talent Manager at 360 Incentives and the Founders of 360, believe that there’s much more to life than a pay cheque. For a life to be truly enjoyed, it needs to ...
Reading MoreWhat does Success look like to you?
0 comentsI bet it’s different than mine. Imagine me with an entire Management Team, from the CEO to the latest new supervisor – in one room. There were about 150 of them and just me. To engage this group, I thought I’d survey them with a question, “Please raise your hand if someone over the last year has asked you (in a genuine way): What does Success look like to you this ...
Reading MoreSix Steps to Success in 2015
0 comentsFor many of us, now is the time of year when we renew ourselves. The key to renewal is “new”. The route to change needs new: thinking, disciplines, levels of collaboration and ventures or products. During 2014, at Dale Carnegie we’ve dug deeper and worked harder to find the best route to success – the top “ingredients” that shape the new equation of success. ...
Reading MoreAre You Motivating Your Millennials?
0 comentsTraditional motivators established by the baby boom and the “ME Generation” are crumbling as millennials show their influence more every year and become the engine of the economy in terms of: where they work, what they do to earn income, what they spend it on, and what motivates them. They’ve taken it on the chin as a result of the worst economic downturn in history and continue ...
Reading MoreMillennials are Your Future – 5 Ways to Embrace Them
0 comentsYoung people are our greatest asset and the future you, your competitors and your customers are going to rely on. Treated right, they are inspired, motivated and great team contributors that can be courageous and bold, bringing new insights and skills to your toughest challenges. Ben Molfetta the co- founder of Core Online Marketing, gives us some great insights into how his company gains their ...
Reading MoreThe Equation for Success & How to Solve It
0 comentsThe three most powerful factors of contemporary business reality are: Technology, Globalization, and an abundance of Information. These three factors hold the components of both success and failure. We have come to see they’re the pivot points of the success equation. How you use them will determine whether we’re optimally fit and globally competitive or whether we’ll fail to ...
Reading MoreAccelerated Talent Development #14: Want to Lead?
0 comentsWant to Lead? Be Careful What You Wish For. John Zettler brings more than 15 years of human resource experience to the challenge of better leadership we all share. He has invested his skills and energies and debated leadership with some of our country’s best leaders. Through this, he has refined a style of management that focuses on leadership conviction, authenticity and caring as the ...
Reading MoreAccelerated Talent Development #13: Facing 4 Profound Realities
0 comentsVera Asanin, president and publisher of Your Workplace, drove home a new reality for me this week. She convinced me that life has truly changed in four profound ways and if we don’t adapt at lightning speed, we quite likely will become a last century country with declining population and prosperity. Sitting next to the giant US market has always made us a bit nervous. On one hand, ...
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