

Category Archives: Accelerated Talent Development


Innovation… not just thinking outside the box, but nurturing what’s inside the box

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In this day and age, we find more and more companies believing that innovation is the heart to their success, a means of growing bigger and better. While some companies try to be more innovative, they just don’t seem to be living up to this vision…why is that? Perhaps it has something to do with their innovative climate? If you think about innovation, in some instances innovation does ...

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Change the Way You Think and You’ll Change Your Life – 7 Steps to a Better Life

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Last week I was inspired by many of our great Dale Carnegie participants. In particular, I remember hearing a couple stories about how life has, ‘slapped them in the face’. They went on to share with us what they encourage all of us to do so we’re not faced with the same pain that they felt. It was in that moment that I realized (not sure why it took this long), that we all get ...

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Identifying and Managing Employee Exhaustion within your Organization

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How many times have you walked around the office or have been in the lunchroom and heard the phrase, ‘I’m exhausted’? Now, don’t get me wrong, there are some physically taxing jobs out there. But if you think about it, you hear this phrase around the office too, how come? If you had to ask those people that are exhausted what physical activity they had done that day, chances are many ...

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How to Deliver Meaningful Performance Reviews

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If you’re like many Leaders out there, you’re dreading that it’s the annual performance review time. I get it, it’s a cumbersome and time consuming process, you feel the recipients never seem to take your feedback the right way and it simply creates anxiety for everyone involved. It doesn’t have to be that way! Here are some tips on how to do it in a meaningful ...

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The 3 + 3 of Experience Innovation

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      Dear Talent Developer and People Strategist, We are excited to share with you our latest research project that we conducted over the past 6 months. We believe the trends and insights will help shape your thinking and priorities as it relates to the growth of your business, increasing the capacity of your talented workforce and culture. Dale Carnegie Training conducted 60 ...

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8 Ways to Ignite Your Culture

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Culture is defined as the personality of your organization and is the sum of your values, beliefs, traditions, attitudes, and behaviours – in essence, it’s how you do things! Here’s the problem. In my experience, we assume we have a strong culture because people are happy, get along well, and work hard. Consider yourself lucky that the individuals that work for you have high ...

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9 Ways to Create an Engaged Workforce

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There’s been a lot of recent traffic on the Dale Carnegie website on the topic of Employee Engagement, and for good reason. Companies seem to be understanding the importance of having engaged workers, and maybe more importantly the risk of having disengaged workers. Still though there is a lot of confusion around what Employee Engagement actually is and how to achieve it. By no stretch is ...

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I Don’t Know How to Sell… Can I Really Do It?

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In his book – “To Sell is Human” – Daniel Pink’s research yields that 1 in 9 of us are formally “in sales”. Sales meaning we’re trying to sell a product or service to someone. Pink goes on to suggest that the other 8 of us are also in sales whether we like it or not. We pitch ideas to colleagues, we try to convince clients of something, and we try ...

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Hard Skills are Awesome, but Soft Skills are Everything

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Last week, I was at a Saint Mary’s University Alumni event and was delighted to hear a very Senior Leader (someone I think we can all agree has been successful in business) – Stuart MacDonald, Founder and President of Expedia.ca and Executive Management Consultant. Stuart, when asked, “What is the biggest missing skill of people in today’s workforce?” responded with ...

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Succession Planning – Even Sports Teams Need to Do It

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If your Rainmaking Salesperson suddenly fell ill, do you have someone who could step in and manage all their files? Has anyone else in your organization built a relationship with your client(s)? What would happen if one of your Senior Leaders was wooed away to another firm; do you have the next generation of Leaders ready to step in? Monday, as I watched the sports highlights of the ...

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6 Leadership Traits Josh Donaldson (Toronto Blue Jays) Exhibits Each and Every Day

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I’m amazed it’s taken me this long to write about the 2015 Toronto Blue Jays. For what it’s worth, I’m one of those who can remember the last time it was exciting to be a Jays fan – 92′-93′; I’m not sure if that just makes me old or not. As I’ve watched almost every game this year, yes I have a very forgiving and loving wife, I continue to be ...

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Grow Your Team and the Business Will Follow

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I’ll never dispute the notion that “Cash is King” in business and, to be successful, ultimately businesses need to make money. Where I’ve always had a problem is what we’re willing to compromise in order to achieve this success. In a world where our metrics generally focus on dollars and growth, it was refreshing to recently hear a Senior Leader talk about developing ...

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