Accelerated Talent Development #8: Do you love your leadership style?
by Kevin Robert Crone
Do You Love Your Leadership Style?
Do you really love your motivation, engagement and leadership style? Do you know where you are going and how you are perceived?
We are all leaders whether it is in business, our community, or our family. Our effectiveness as a leader affects everyone we love or need and everything we do. We spend decades in school developing skills and knowledge but how much of that is helping us lead, grow and develop?
Do you know where you want to lead; your family, your children, your employees, or your team? Do you have a vision for them and is your vision in sync with their own vision for themselves?
Do you know how to help them get to the place that will bring them the most sustained happiness and success?
Effective leadership helps our nation through times of peril. It makes a business organization successful. It enables a community to better fulfill the needs and wants of its members.
As a parent effective leadership enables children to find themselves, grow strong and healthy, have self confidence and become happy, fulfilled adults. Do we want any less for our team members?
The absence of effective leadership is equally dramatic in its effects.
Without leadership, organizations are; indecisive, unmotivated, rowing in all directions, moving too slowly, stagnating, and losing their way. At its worst lack of true leadership leads communities and countries into anarchy and chaos
In our interviews with Canada’s top talent developers it has become amazingly clear that when leadership is clear, decisive, inclusive and timely things go well
Cindy McNichol has provided great clarity for more than twenty years on the challenge of great leadership and the steps that can be taken to immediately strengthen it.
She believes the core of being a great leader is to;
• Know your goal and mission
• Know the strengths and weaknesses of your resources
• Develop your leadership team’s strength and courage.
She also recommends the nine block method to help leaders give clear well thought direction in motivating their teams.
A decision by itself changes nothing. After a decision is made, an organization faces the problem of implementation—how to get things done in a timely and effective way.
Implementation is 90% of the challenge and is really all about how leaders influence behavior, change the course of events, overcome resistance and build resilience.
At Dale Carnegie we have been working hard in a renewed effort to better understand the functional, structural and emotional reasons why only one-third of employees are fully engaged and why others become disengaged, lowering the engagement, confidence and productivity of those around them.
Leadership is a learned skill and the key to success. We are grateful to Cindy McNichol for sharing her hard earned insights and the nine block tool she uses to help instill clarity and courage in her teams. I know you will find them helpful.
Through our MSW Research we know the vital importance of effective leadership in building teams that can outperform the competition by over 200% and have developed an even better understanding of what it takes to fully engage employees to work together effectively, stay with their company and act as ambassadors for their organization attracting people who share their values and passions.
If you are looking for a plan to better engage your customers and grow your team call me at 905 826 7300 x 328 and we can chat.
If you would like to hear the Insights of Canada’s top leaders in Talent Development click here and every two weeks we will send you their insights in their own words.
Best Success!
Kevin R. Crone, President, Dale Carnegie Training®
Founder of Accelerated Talent Development, Performance and Profits
Contact me at 905-826-7300 x 328 or