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Accelerated Talent Development #11: Can we lead the world in creativity?

by Kevin Robert Crone

August 25, 2014

Are Canadians Creative Enough?

A thousand Canadian companies are literally working together side by side, generating ideas, experimenting, building on each other’s results and learning together. The result is they are taking big important ideas and innovating at a furious pace, proving they can make real differences in peoples lives and at the same time be profitable. This is no small operation. It occupies 1.5 million square feet, has contributed more than $3 billion in economic impact and has generated over 500 million collectively in revenue. Who is it? – It’s the portfolio of start up companies being assisted and nurtured by MaRS Discovery District.

While Canada punches above its weight class when it comes to generating ideas, we are not doing as well in commercializing our ideas. The Jenkins Report, a federal study led by Thomas Jenkins, the Executive Chairman and Chief Strategy Officer of Open Text Corporation concludes “Too many of the big ideas Canada generates wind up generating wealth for others.” MaRS mission is to change that.

Salim Tejas their Managing Director of their Information, Communication and Technology Practice believes Canada is ripe to lead innovation and attract investment from all over the world. We are one of the world’s safest innovation investment markets. We have a strong banking and judicial system. We are smart, well educated, and have a wealth of great thinkers and scientists. Our diversity, our openness to outside ideas and our large international community feeds innovation and opens doors around the world. In addition we have one of the world’s largest markets right next door.

MaRS is bringing together large companies like Proctor and Gamble and Home Depot and major medical and energy companies with start-ups, university researchers, financiers and young entrepreneurs to accelerate successful innovation. He and his organization have developed a rather unique system to help companies innovate faster by hypothesizing more, testing their hypothesis faster and with less investment and driving diverse ideas together resulting in better products getting to market much quicker. What takes months and years in a large corporation can be done in weeks at MaRS leveraging the energy and creativity of their small fast growth companies.

We can never be satisfied with standing still. At Dale Carnegie, we are constantly challenging ourselves, our clients, and our students to develop better ways to work more creatively together, reduce stress, and accelerate the talent in their companies.

If you want a better insight into what it takes to fully engage your employees to work together effectively, stay with your company and act as ambassadors for the organization attracting people who share their values and passions, give me a call at 905 826 7300 x 328 and we can chat.

If you would like to hear the Insights of Canada’s top leaders in Talent Development click here and every two weeks we will send you their insights in their own words.


Best Success!

Kevin R. Crone, President, Dale Carnegie Training®
Founder of Accelerated Talent Development, Performance and Profits
Contact me at 905-826-7300 x 328 or krcrone@dalecarnegie.ca

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