

Monthly Archives: January 2018

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How you can grow a professional firm… Or any business really!

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Do you have a seller/doer model at your firm? There are about 50,000 small firms in Canada that do. After investing five to seven years educating to become an engineer, CA, or lawyer and depending on math, the numbers and equations, the majority of new hires go through many transitions before they are responsible for growing their business. From designing or doing technical work, client manager, ...

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Change IS for the better!

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One subject keeps coming at me lately from friends and some experts in the success field… Why don’t so many, maybe even most people, do what they need to do to be successful in business, health, finances, or whatever?” Everyone is a little different, so it’s tough to generalize, but let me take a stab at it. Admitting you have a need or problem seems to be difficult. Last week, I saw as ...

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Are you and your company committed to Leadership Fitness?

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It’s that time of year again. The time of year when we make resolutions personally, and goals professionally. Well let’s talk about the professional goal of Being a Great Leader. Since I’m sure so many of us are thinking about our personal fitness/health, let’s use that analogy to serve as the bridge to being a great leader. If we think of our physical fitness, it’s likely true that ...

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What do YOU need to do to grow? Take action today!

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When I was a young man, the owner of a clothing store in Windsor told me he gave every new employee the book “How to Win Friends and Influence People”. Some would read it and some wouldn’t. Some would half-heartedly apply it, some wouldn’t.   As a result, he could tell who were success-oriented, who would generate the most commissions, repeat business, who would complain the most, who ...

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