

Monthly Archives: January 2016

Factor Number Twelve – The Leadership Gap

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Over the last three months, we’ve discussed what can be done to face up to the factors and trends that are affecting us and our ability to improve the business design and our team, in order to realize our potential growth. For example, addressing the speed of technological change and using it, engaging our customers or prospects through knowing more about what they’re going through, ...

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Factor Number Eleven: Technical People Are Usually Not Natural Influencers

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The core product your service business has is the core skills of your people. You sell expertise and create extra value by continually uncovering your customer’s wants, studying your customer trends and presenting your offering in such a way that it helps your customers with their problems and business success. The total experience with your firm has to be very impactful. In order to do all ...

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How to Deliver Meaningful Performance Reviews

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If you’re like many Leaders out there, you’re dreading that it’s the annual performance review time. I get it, it’s a cumbersome and time consuming process, you feel the recipients never seem to take your feedback the right way and it simply creates anxiety for everyone involved. It doesn’t have to be that way! Here are some tips on how to do it in a meaningful ...

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Factor Number Ten: Lack of a Business Development Strategy

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Good Morning and Happy New Year! Let’s get back to the 14 factors that our research predicts could prevent growth in your service business… Lack of a business development strategy and competence is Factor Ten. 66% of firms say sales effectiveness must be balanced with practicing your technical craft and it’s not happening fast enough in today’s competitive world. ...

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Kevin D. Crone - Ignite Your Business

Factor Number Nine: Price Pressure

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35% of companies see price pressure as the number one factor in preventing growth. For the last few years, we’ve been involved in research projects to reveal how to help service companies grow. We’ve also conducted monthly small group dialogues to discuss what we uncovered. Hundreds of Ontario business people attended these meetings and at the beginning of every meeting we asked, ...

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