Monthly Archives: February 2014
Sales Transformation
0 comentsThere was a time when you could do what your father had done day in and day out, you could live most of your life without seeing any major changes in the way things were run and you knew your neighbours and a few others from down the street, and you had a small circle of influence. But that was then, today is oh so different. How the times have changed and how the mighty have fallen. Especially ...
Reading MorePart II: Where Have All the Big Customers Gone?
0 comentsFirst off, the creative-value salesperson has been on a team that is figuring out what’s going on in the market. Their goal is to find out what the most significant industry issues and trends are, through research. The team is constantly discovering what customers don’t appreciate and what they do appreciate, and next, what motivates them to buy. Then the team works on revitalizing ...
Reading MoreThe Fine Art Of Letting Go
0 comentsDo you remember when it happened, how you thought it was the worst thing that could have ever happened? Do you remember how almost every waking thought consumed you with regret, or rage or defeat? Do you remember how you felt, like you were alone and no one could ever understand your pain. Do you remember the promises you made that this would never happen again? Good. When the desire to never ...
Reading MorePart I: Where have all the big customers gone?
0 comentsA special report by Kevin D. Crone What are the notable trends in the selling game? Since the Great Recession, who has been getting the big business-to-business sales? In a tougher market, what are some insights that could prepare business-to-business salespeople to understand that they are facing new opportunities? What specific styles, skills and attitudes can be learned from those who are ...
Reading MoreWhy Don’t Our People Get It?
0 coments“Why don’t our people get it?” asked my client a couple weeks ago. “The sales team doesn’t coordinate well with the operations team. They never seem to know how we want things done and why. Yet we have done extensive strategic planning, have a wonderful family-like culture and we do whatever to take care of our people.” MMM Insight: Here is what we discussed ...
Reading MoreLeadership Evolution
0 comentsYou are in charge of a team of people. We need your guidance. You want our commitment. What we don’t want is to feel like we don’t make a difference or are unimportant, or that we are just a pawn in your own personal career chess game. We want to feel like we belong to something that matters. We crave knowing how we’re doing. We want to feel proud of the company we have chosen ...
Reading MoreDoes your business resemble a Ferrari or Mini Cooper?
0 coments3 Principles of Making Companies Work The following are some notes from a recent coaching conversation I had with a client who has joined my 4 month project, “to ignite their business while they build future leaders.” Some of these insights may resonate with you and give you clarity around how things work. Better decisions and actions can follow clarity. 1) All the elements of the ...
Reading MoreSales Evolution
0 comentsYou are making a sale. You have a lot to say. You want me to like you so I’ll buy. The thing is, I don’t care how fancy your brochures are, or what you did for my competitors, I care about my company and I care about the people who I am lucky enough to have work for me. What I am interested in is if you know enough about my business and understand it sufficiently to teach me something ...
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